Once your order is confirmed, our standard delivery time is 7-14 business days. You can check the status of your order and estimated delivery date by logging into your account or on our website with your order tracking number.
You can also easily reach our customer service via the contact form on our website, [email address], or [phone number], or via our official Instagram page barzello.official . We are here to gladly answer your questions and requests.
You can return or exchange the product you purchased within 14 days from the date of delivery. For returns and exchanges, the product must be unused and in its original packaging. For returns and exchanges, please contact our customer service or our official Instagram page barzello.official .
You can make your payments securely with PayTR , Turkey's most secure payment infrastructure, and the International 3D Secure protection system. In addition, all your payments are protected by Mastercard and VISA . You can also easily complete your shopping with the installment option of up to 9 months .